March 20, 2016

Holidays Calendar for March 20, 2016

Tunisia celebrates its Independence Day annually on March 20. This holiday celebrates the anniversary of independence from France in 1956.

March 20 is Oil Nationalization Day in Iran. The era of nationalized oil began in 1951, when the National Iranian Oil Company took control over petroleum industry in the country.

Youth Day is celebrated in many countries around the world on different dates, however, there is also a global event, known as World Youth Day. This observance was established by Pope John Paul II in 1985 and it’s annually celebrated on Palm Sunday.


Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem that is described in the four canonical Gospels. It is celebrated on the Sunday before Easter.


Earth Day is an annual international event, that is held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. 192 countries annually celebrate this event.


World Storytelling Day is a unique celebration, that is observed around the world on the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere and on the fall equinox in the southern hemisphere.


International Day Without Meat is annually celebrated on March 20. This holiday was observed for the first time in 1985 in the USA as Great American Meatout.

International Astrology Day is annually observed on spring equinox. It can be celebrated by the astrologers and enthusiasts between March 19 and 22, though the most frequent dates are March 20 and 21.


The Japanese celebrate two equinoxes, that occur in the spring and in the fall. The celebration of the spring equinox is known in Japan as Vernal Equinox Day and it usually falls on March 20 or 21.


World Sparrow Day is one of the days, designated to raise awareness of birds, especially of the house sparrow and the ones common to urban environment. This holiday is observed annually on March 20.

In 2010, UNESCO (the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) established United National Language Days. Each of these days is dedicated to one of the UN’s official working languages. French Language Day is celebrated on March 20.

Are you afraid of abduction by aliens? Whether it’s “Yes” or “No”, don’t miss a chance to celebrate Extraterrestrial Abduction Day on March 20.

Ravioli is one of the most popular dishes among pasta lovers. If you love this dish, then celebrate National Ravioli Day on March 20.

Ostara is one of the pagan festivals, that is held up to date. It’s also another name for celebration of the spring equinox.


International Day of Happiness was established under initiative of the United Nations. This holiday is annually celebrated on March 20 since 2012.

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